tiistai 2. lokakuuta 2018

CYNABARE URNE - IN THE CREMATION GROUND (Helter Skelter Productions 2018)

Cynabare Urne Bandcamp

Cyrabare Urne is one name to add in the surprisingly-not-so-long-list of active old school death metal bands worth to mention. In a genre so over-populated with more or less boring carbon copies of kings of yesterdays it is refreshing to hear something that is done with a good sense of what quality death metal is.

In the Cremation Ground is filled with venomous, groovy and bulldozer-heavy crushing from the beginning to the end with a putrid stench of hatred. Band has managed to avoid all the potential ways to fail and the result is somewhat brilliant. The groove on the album can’t be overstated as well as the very rotten vocals which sound exactly what they should. And what about the production? The production fits perfectly on the music. It sounds as delicate as finding a violently loved priest with his own severed cock in his mouth.

If you are into groovy old school death metal done with no bullshit and focus on just the plain real thing, then check this out.


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